Aunty Catherine

About Aunty Catherine:

Hello everyone and welcome to Aunty Catherine’s Virtual Classroom.

What began, I now know, by the grace of God, is now going virtual. It still amazes me how the joy and love can make what one does, so easy.

It was 1983 when I was thrown into something I’ve always loved but wasn’t trained to do...I was given ten toddlers  to teach ... didn’t think of continuity, I just enjoyed people and that seemed enough to bring out the best in me.

My daughter obviously saw that when she chose to become a part of it and now I know what I looked like and what I did...when I look at her. She (Aunty Cimoy) was literally born into the business. 

She, along with her big brother, think the time is right to come together and do what we all do best...Teach & Care!

Welcome to our Website! See what we have to offer and follow us...get to know us in a new way. Aunty Catherine, Aunty Cimoy and Sir George, and become a part of the family we’ve created through the years...and discover that “We still teach as well as we care”