Extraordinary Learners Terms and Conditions

Dear Parent,
In caring for your child, as a member of our Extraordinary Learners program, we are asking you to
agree to the following:

  • that other than time and experience, we are NOT trained specifically in the area of Autism
  • that we accept children based on our ability to love all and to encourage a sense of equality in the way we coexist, teach and learn
  • that we operate less as a “business” and more as a “home school/family”, where love and cooperation comes first
  • that on an individual basis, parents share any concern of bruises as we have noticed play time/socialization time among our Extraordinary Learners, unable to express wants and needs, at times results in harm. As well as, unsteady movement, usually resulting in bumping into each other or furniture.
  • that lacking the ability to express needs may cause tantrums, resulting in unintentional self harm.
  • that staff makes every effort to catch moments that may escalate to “harm” before hand, while maintaining a loving demeanour towards all our Learners.
  • that Parents work together with us, in an atmosphere of love and trust. Please sign with the understanding and agreement of our offering.

We teach as well as we care...for our little ones.